. current news .

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Please share and add to the current news!
I'd love your help with this section! :)

On his MMC career (1995):
"I miss it I do", says Matt of his 4 years at
MMC. "Besides missing the people I had to get
out of a routine that I have based my life
on for so long. I have to admit, going to work
is better than going to school." On the positive
side, "I enjoy the freedom to be home with my
family and friends."

You might have seen him on a few TNN
shows with his father Gary Morris,
Throughout the years of 1994-1998.
(To see a listing visit the on tv section)

'My Son, Your Christmas'
(Christmas CD, 1998)
Gary and Matt Morris

'Gary Morris And The Art Of The Tretyakov'
(PBS special with Gary Morris, 1999)

'Gary Morris Live At The Tretyakov Gallery'
(Soundtrack from the PBS special; 1999)

The CD's and video are available to purchase at
www.mattmorris.net. Go there and buy them all! :)

Matt's song writing talent can be heard on the
new Marshall Dyllon CD with his song "She's Like A Child".

Co-hosted Country Music Television's Farm-Aid 2000

Currently performing solo. For official concert
dates and venues, please contact Matt's web site.

Go to Matthew Morris Online!
for the current & latest information. You can also
check out concert dates where you can get to see
Matthew and Gary perform live! Check to see if they
will be in a city near you. You're lucky if they are!

.main. .early. .mmc.